segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2015

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicina 19ª ed.

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 19ª ed.

sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2015

Free Trial Future Medicine and Future Science

Free Trial Future Medicine and Future Science
Está disponível para toda a comunidade FMUL, até ao final do corrente ano lectivo - 2014/2015, um Free Trial das colecções da Future Medicine e da Future Science.

O acesso far-se-á por reconhecimento de IP, fisicamente num qualquer ponto da rede FMUL, remotamente a partir da configuração da VPN.

quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2015

Trial da eLS - Encyclopedia of Life Sciences


quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2015


More than Search, it is Discovery

terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2015

BMJ Learning

BMJ Learning.
Updating your knowledge. Helping you care for patients.

segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2015

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2015

Reuters Health

Reuters Health provides daily breaking news coverage of the global pharmaceutical, medical and consumer health sectors. Timely and authoritative, Reuters Health is a must-have resource for those managing doctor and patient facing websites, healthcare-focused publications, pharmaceutical industry corporate intranets and health sector information services.

Medical News Today

Medical News TodayYour source for health news since 2003.

Health Wire

Our mission is simple: to bring you the latest information in health breakthroughs that will help you live a happy, fulfilling, and active life.

Health Wire is a must-read for any man concerned about getting the most out of his body

Health and Medical News - MedlinePlus

Trusted Health Information for You.

CNN Health News

CNN Health News.

BBC News Health

BBC News Health. 

The Visible Human Project

The Visible Human Project® is an outgrowth of the NLM's 1986 Long-Range Plan. It is the creation of complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the normal male and female human bodies. Acquisition of transverse CT, MR and cryosection images of representative male and female cadavers has been completed. The male was sectioned at one millimeter intervals, the female at one-third of a millimeter intervals.

Digital Image Gallery

3D Human Anatomy for Animation, Illustration, CAD and Software Development.

Current Controlled Trials

ISRCTN is a registry and curated database containing the basic set of data items deemed essential to describe a study at inception, as per the requirements set out by the World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines.

Clinical Trials is a registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world. 



Netting the Evidence

Netting the Evidence


The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre) is part of the Social Science Research Unit at the UCL Institute of Education. 

Clinical Evidence

Clinical Evidence

Centre for Evidence Based Medicine

Nufflied Department of Primary Care Heakth Sciences.


Unidade de investigação da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, que tem como finalidade o desenvolvimento da área científica designada por Medicina Baseada na Evidência (MBE).

CEBM - Toronto

 Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values.


WebMD provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information. 


Curated medical social media collections.


A Roche é uma empresa líder na área da saúde com um leque único de soluções inovadoras em várias áreas terapêuticas.


Medical News and more by Physicians in Your Specialty


Ranked, peer-reviewed, annotated, updated clinical medicine resources.

Doctor's Guide to the Internet

Doctor's Guide to the Internet
DocGuide allows you to stay ahead of the latest medical news and research advances thanks to simple and powerful customization features, and the contributions of your personal colleagues and the larger DocGuide physician community. A trusted service for physicians since 1995, DocGuide content is sourced from over 2000 peer-reviewed journals, major medical conferences, and the world's most respected medical news organizations.
TOXNET - Toxicology Data Network
Databases on toxicolocy, hazardous chemicals, environmental health and toxic releases.

Current Controlled Trials

Current Controlled Trials
Allows users to search, register and share information about randomised controlled trials.

Citing Medicine

Citing Medicine provides assistance to authors in compiling lists of references for their publications, to editors in revising such lists, to publishers in setting reference standards for their authors and editors, and to librarians and others in formatting bibliographic citations.

All Trials Registered | All Results Reported

Cerca de metade de todos os ensaios clínicos não são publicados, alguns estudos ainda não são registados. A importância da  informação sobre o que foi feito e o que foi encontrado em todos os ensaios, é fundamental. All Trials é uma iniciativa conjunta de diversas entidades que apelam ao registo e publicação de todos os ensaios clínicos. 


"The ACLANDS VIDEO ATLAS OF ANATOMY was originally intended to be used by individual medical and dental students. Because of its realism, simple language, and three-dimensional quality, the Video Atlas has become popular with students and teachers in many other fields and also with people not on a professional learning path who are looking for information about human anatomy."

Aceda a partir de qualquer ponto da rede FMUL, ou remotamente via VPN.

Journal Citation Reports - Novas funcionalidades

Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) offers a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world's leading journals, with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data: Impact Factor | Immediacy Index | Integration with WoS Core Collection | Journal Profiles | Journal Relationships | Compare Journals | Saving & Exporting Data.

DynaMed Mobile APP

DynaMed - Base de dados de apoio à decisão clínica, assinada pela Biblioteca-CDI, facilita acesso com novo aplicativo móvel gratuito para toda a comunidade FMUL / IMM. Saiba como aqui.

BMJ Case Reports - Free Trial

Até 17 de Maio de 2015, a BMJ disponibiliza a toda a comunidade FMUL um período de experimentação gratuita ao BMJ Case Reports.
Para além do acesso aos textos integrais, será também permitido fazer a submissão de artigos "Case Reports" sem custos associados, usufruindo do estatuto de Fellowship: Fellowship code is: 862930.

BMJ Case Reports delivers a focused, peer-reviewed, valuable collection of cases in all disciplines so that healthcare professional, researchers and others can easily find clinical important information on common and rare conditions. This is the largest single collection of case reports online with more than 2800 articles from over 70 countries.

Free Trial - Fonte Acadêmica

A EBSCO disponibiliza a toda a ULisboa, acesso institucional à Base de Dados Fonte Acadêmica, até ao dia 31 de Dezembro.
Este recurso promove  a investigação científica editada em língua portuguesa ou por investigadores lusófonos. Para saber quais os títulos disponibilizados, clique aqui.

EvidenceUpdates - BMJ

 Produzido pela BMJ Publishing Group e a McMaster University Health Information Research Unit.
Atualização automática sobre a melhor evidência. Saiba mais aqui.