segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2016

O Núcleo de Biblioteca e Informação, junta-se à  Semana Internacional do Acesso Aberto (Open Access Week) que decorre de 24 a 30 de outubro, enquadrando-se numa iniciativa internacional que tem como objetivo disseminar o Acesso Aberto ao conhecimento, promovida pela SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition).

OpenAIRE Webinars
Durante a Semana Internacional do Acesso Aberto serão realizados vários webinars através do projeto OpenAIRE – Infraestrutura de Acesso Aberto para a investigação na Europa.
Os Webinars podem ser consultados aqui .

Saiba mais sobre o  Acesso Aberto:

Princípios Orientadores do MCTES no âmbito da Ciência Aberta | Conhecimento para Todos
O Governo através do MCTES elegeu a promoção do conhecimento para todos como pilar do seu programa, estando o MCTES empenhado na elaboração e implementação de uma política nacional de ciência aberta, desempenhando uma posição ativa no debate atualmente em curso no plano internacional e especialmente europeu.

No documento que se segue, encontram-se delineados os princípios orientadores que servirão de base para a implementação de uma Política Nacional de Ciência Aberta assim como algumas metas a curto e longo prazo para a concretização desta Política, disponível  aqui.

"O conhecimento é de todos e para todos."
A Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº 21/2016, 1ª série – nº70 de 11 de abril de 2016 proclama o conhecimento uma condição determinante para a promoção do desenvolvimento e do bem-estar, considerando o
acesso à sua fruição um direito inalienável de todos os portugueses.
O texto integral encontra-se disponível aqui .

Declaração COAR-UNESCO sobre Acesso Aberto
Confederação de Repositórios de Acesso Aberto (COAR) e a UNESCO acabam de publicar uma declaração conjunta sobre Acesso Aberto, destacando algumas preocupações relativamente a uma viragem para a utilização de um modelo baseado em Custos de Processamento de Publicações (APCs).
O texto integral encontra-se disponível aqui.

Numa altura em que muito se fala de Ciência Aberta e de Acesso Aberto, o portal RCAAP (Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal) agrega mais de 110 recursos nacionais, os quais disponibilizam cerca de 330.000 documentos.

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2016

The YODA Project

The Yale University Open Data Access (YODA) Project at the Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation advocates for the responsible sharing of clinical research data. The Project is committed to open science and data transparency, and supports research attempting to produce concrete benefits to patients, the medical community, and society as a whole. 


F1000Research is an Open Science publishing platform offering immediate publication of articles, porters and slides with no editorial blas. All articles benefit from transparent peer review and the inclusion of all source data. is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. It presents repositories for the permanent storage and access of data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers and scholarly institutions. 


SPARC is a global coalition committed to making Open the default for research and education. SPARC empowers people to solve big problems and make new discoveries through the adoption of policies and practices that advance Open Access, Open Data, and Open Education.


SGC - A public-private partnership that supports the discovery of new medicines through open access research.

PLOS - HowOpenIsIt?

PLOS - HowOpenIsIt? Thousands of journals have adopted policies that embrace some or all of the Open Access core components related to readership, reuse, copyright, author and automatic posting, and machine readability.

How Open Is It?

The HowOpenIsIt? program is a family of resources and services to make informed decisions and get standardized information about Open Access publications and articles.

ORCID - Connecting Research and Researchers

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized. 

segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2016

Programa de Formação das Bibliotecas da FF e FM da ULisboa

 O Programa de Formação das bibliotecas da Faculdade de Farmácia e da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, está aberto a ambas as comunidades académicas. Após efectuar o seu registo no Formulário de Inscrição, aguarde pela confirmação que lhe será enviada por email.

quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2016

World Health Organization

World Health Organization :
"Our primary role is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations’ system."

Dundee Public Health

AKA Dr Ellie Hothersall. Dundee Public Health teaching at the medical school. Opinions mostly my own!

ASME - Conversations in medical education.

Conversations in medical education.


MedEdPORTAL is a program of The Association of American Medical Colleges.

AMEE - Association for Medical Education in Europe

The Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) is a worldwide organisation with members in 90 countries on five continents. Members include teachers, educators, researchers, administrators, curriculum developers, deans, assessors, students and trainees in medicine and the healthcare professions.

Higher Education Academy

The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is the national body which champions teaching quality.  We provide value to the HE sector by focusing on the contribution of teaching as part of the wider student learning experience. 

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

We produce a range of resources from evidence based reports to best practice and improvement guides. All our resources are designed to support healthcare improvement.

General Medical Council - The state of medical education and practice in the UK report: 2014

General Medical Council.
The state of medical education and practice in the UK report: 2014


“To meet the needs of teachers, trainers and learners in medical education by supporting research-informed, best practice across the continuum of medical education.”

General Medical Council - Good Medical Practice

General Medical Council.
We help to protect patients and improve medical education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and doctors.


The Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) Collaboration(Harden et al., 1999) is an international group of individuals, universities and professional organisations committed to the development of evidence informed education in the medical and health professions.

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2016

Elsevier - Student Space

Elsevier - Student Space.

Science Direct Blog

ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s leading information solution for researchers, teachers, students, health care professionals and information professionals .

Mendeley Blog

Organize, share, discover academic knowledge.

PubMed Commons

PubMed Commons enables authors to share opinions and information about scientific publications in PubMed.


Educators: Inspire your undergraduate and high-school AP biology students with resources on genetics and cell biology from Nature 

Communicating in the Classroom

Unit 6.
This unit will help you prepare for, run, and evaluate effective classroom sessions as part of a course.

Interacting During Conference Sessions

Unit 5.
Scientific conferences and related gatherings offer plenty of formal opportunities to interact with other scientists.

Giving Oral Presentations

Unit 4.
Oral presentations are a richer medium than written documents.

Writting Correspondence

Unit 3.
Written correspondence is essential to scientific practice.

Writting Scientific Papers

Unit 2.
As a scientist, you are expected to share your research work with others in various forms. 

Communication as a Scientist

Unit 1.
Communication is an integral part of the research you perform as a scientist. 

English Communication for Scientists

English Communication for Scientists is a brief guide on how to communicate more effectively in English, no matter how much previous experience you have. 

Scientific Communication

In this area of the site you will find dozens of resources to help you master scientific communication.

quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2016

Canadian Medicine Blog

Canadian Medicine Blog - News and views from the editors of parkhurst exchange.


Health, Technology, Family Medicine and other observations – since 1999.


I’m Allen, also known as GruntDoc. I chose GruntDoc as, when I was getting my first email address I was a doctor for the USMC infantry who are somewhat affectionately known as grunts. Although I’m no longer on active duty it still fits, because now I’m an Emergency Medicine doc who just works shifts. I’m a grunt in the Doctor world. 

Genetic Future

Genetic Future's Blog.

Eye on DNA

Eye on DNA.



The Life & Times of and ER Nurse.

David Rothman

David Rothman's blog about health information. 

iMedicalApps - the leading physician publication on mobile medicine


Developing an evidence based stroke rehabilitation app by starting with the evidence.

Trust The Evidence


Discover the truth behind the research findings that affect everyday healthcare.

Cochrane Collaboration Official Blog

Official Blog.
News, information, resources & issues affecting The Cochrane Collaboration.

Kevin MD

Dr. Kevin Pho, é um internista em New Hampshire, lê um grande número de notícias médicas e Blogs diariamente e partilha os destaques do que encontra no seu Blog


Dois motores de pesquisa, PSOAR (Pharmaceutical Sciences Open Access Resources) e o PGIAR (Pharmaceutical Guidelines for Industry, Academia & Research) foram criados e hospedados no blogsite.

Cases Blog - Medical and Health Blog

Cases Blog é um site destinado ao público médico, que contém uma rica colecção de material filtrado para médicos com menor disponibilidade: uma colecção de casos clínicos, notícias médicas, imagens e dicas práticas úteis.

Medical News Today

Medical News Today : Your source for health news since 2003.

The Medical Letter

The Medical Letter, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that publishes critical appraisals of new prescription drugs and comparative reviews of drugs for common diseases in its newsletter, The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics.

Journal Watch : Medical Journals and Research Articles

Journal Watch.
Revê mais de 180 revistas científicas e médicas para apresentar importantes resultados da investigação clínica e comentários perspicazes.