A equipa da Biblioteca-CDI deseja-lhe BOAS FESTAS E UM EXCELENTE 2010!
quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2009
A Internet em números:
A equipa da Biblioteca-CDI deseja-lhe BOAS FESTAS E UM EXCELENTE 2010!
quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2009
Lisbon Film Orchestra
Produção: MusInAction
Revista Nature passa a «all for all»
A revista Nature,publicada pela editora com o mesmo nome, tem sido um desses conteúdos - no entanto, a mesma irá passar para o regime all for all já no início do próximo ano, ficando assim disponível para todas as instituições B-ON .
terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2009
Lançamento do sítio das bases de dados da EBSCO em vários idiomas
domingo, 6 de dezembro de 2009
Free access at your library to SAGE Volume 1 launch journals
In 2010, we are launching the following journals and want to offer you free online access via an IP-registered trial for the first year of publication (volume 1). This will allow you to add the journals to your knowledgebase and make them searchable to all of your library users.
This offer includes perpetual access to volume 1 .
Register your library for access by filling out this form .
Consortia libraries participating in SAGE Premier will receive access to 2010 launch journals (volume 1 through 3) free of charge and do not need to register for this offer.
Science, Technology, and Medicine Launches
New Titles - January 2010
- Cartilage (Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine)
- Genes & Cancer (Oncology)
- ICU Director (Emergency Medicine & Critical Care)
- Journal of Primary Care & Community Health (Public Health)
- Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease (Palliative Medicine & Chronic Care)
- World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery (Surgery)
New Titles - February 2010
- Journal of Asthma & Allergy Educators (Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine)
- Therapeutic Advances in Hematology (Oncology)
New Titles - April 2010
- Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism (Endocrinology & Metabolism)
For more information or additional questions, please contact:
USA and the Americas mailto:launchjournals@sagepub.com
Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific mailto:launchjournals@sagepub.co.uk
sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2009
PLoS - Public Library of Science
"Novas formas de medir o impacto dos artigos agora disponíveis nas revistas de open acess da
PLoS - Public Library of Science".
A few months ago, PLoS initiated a program to provide a series of metrics on the individual articles published in all the PLoS Journals. You can see some examples here, here, here and here. There are two complementary benefits to the new approach.
First, we are focusing on articles rather than journals. The dominant paradigm for judging the worth of an article is to rely on the name and the impact factor of the journal in which the work is published. But it’s well known that there is a strong skew in the distribution of citations within a journal – typically, around 80% of the citations accrue to 20% of the articles. So the impact factor is a very poor predictor of how many citations any individual article will obtain, and in any case, journal editors and peer reviewers don’t always make the right decision. Indicators at the article level circumvent these limitations, allowing articles to be judged on their own scientific merits.
Second, we are not confining article-level metrics to a single indicator. As summarized by Michael Jensen, and discussed by many others including recently over at the Scholarly Kitchen, there’s a lot more to scientific impact than citations in the selection of journals covered by the Web of Science – the proprietary source of data that provides the impact factor calculation. Citations can be counted more broadly, along with web usage, blog and media coverage, social bookmarks, expert/community comments and ratings, and so on. Our own efforts are so far confined to citations (as measured by Scopus and PubMed Central), social bookmarks (as made by users of Connotea and CiteULike), and blog coverage (as recorded by Bloglines, Postgenomic and Nature Blogs), and these metrics will be improved and expanded over the coming months. The good news is that many of these indicators can be collated automatically, using openly available web tools that constantly update information on the article itself.
Mais informação em: http://www.plos.org/cms/node/478
segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2009
1.º Simpósio Anual do Programa Harvard Medical School – Portugal
Esta iniciativa realiza-se a 14 e 15 de Dezembro em Lisboa (no Centro Cultural de Belém).
Programa do evento em http://www.hmsportugal.org e cartaz .
sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009
Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa
25 de Novembro Quarta - 10 às 18hs - Salão Nobre
Para reflectir e debater a conceptualização e concretização de processos de creditação de qualificações não formais, (extracurriculares), no ensino superior.
A partir da experiência de algumas instituições pertencentes à rede EUCEN e do seu Presidente em particular, pela divulgação e intercâmbio de experiências a nível nacional e europeu, pretende-se lançar as bases para o desenvolvimento de processos de creditação alicerçados em sólidos critérios de qualidade.
Estão previstas participações de personalidades como os Professores António Nóvoa e Pedro Lourtie, Michel Feutrie, presidente da EUCEN, e António Ramalho, presidente da Unicre e vice-presidente da AIP, para além de outras participações nacionais e internacionais.
Biografia dos Oradores
domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009
18 NOV Quarta 21h30 Reitoria - AULA MAGNA
Um encontro, em palco, de várias gerações de intérpretes, que no país e no estrangeiro, têm prestigiado a Universidade de Lisboa. De facto, através das suas actuações que têm incluído óperas, cantatas cénicas, concertos sinfónicos, concertos com repertório de câmara e de música a cappella, grandes obras corais para orquestra, obras com pequenos grupos instrumentais ou acompanhamento de piano, entre outras, os Coros da Universidade de Lisboa são, desde há muito, dignos representantes da Cultura universitária.
Este concerto, especialmente dedicado aos membros da UL, mas aberto ao público em geral, representa um novo desafio dos Coros desta Universidade, e do seu maestro titular, José Robert, resultando, como sempre, do Talento e do intenso e empenhado trabalho em prol da Música.
Mass of the Children, de John Rutter é uma obra que apresenta toda a temática da Missa numa forma ampla, universal e multifacetada, seja pela diversidade e riqueza musical, seja por incluir textos em latim e em inglês, estes, de Thomas Ken e de William Blake. Composta para Coro, Coro Infantil, Solistas e Orquestra, Mass of the Children confere uma dimensão especial ao papel do Coro Infantil, introduzindo as crianças como tradutoras duma linguagem algo cristalizada e encerrada, e, ao mesmo tempo, portadoras da unicidade e multiplicidade do ser humano.
Liebeslieder-Waltzer, Op.52, de Johannes Brahms, é um conjunto de 18 valsas para coro, escritas a convite do seu editor, e com o intuito de evidenciar a sua faceta criativa, alegre e brilhante. Os Liebeslieder alcançam um tal sucesso que o editor reitera o convite, o que resulta na composição de um segundo ciclo de valsas para coro, os Neue Liebeslieder, Op. 65. Os textos, revestidos da temática do amor cortês, resultam da recolha e tradução de poesia popular Russa, Polaca e Húngara, por Georg Daumer, que os coligiu na sua obra Polydora.
Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa
Divisão de Actividades Culturais e Imagem da DSRE
sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009
100 Useful Links For eBook Lovers
100 Useful Links For eBook Lovers
sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2009
Investigadora portuguesa distinguida pela Organização Europeia de Biologia Molecular
Criado há sete anos, o programa destina-se a identificar os mais prometedores e criativos jovens cientistas europeus, aos quais é facultada ajuda académica, prática e financeira para os anos cruciais das suas carreiras.
Contactada pela Lusa, Mónica Bettencourt Dias congratulou-se com a distinção, tanto pelo que significa de reconhecimento do seu trabalho, como pelas portas que lhe abre. “Acho importante porque reconhece e dá visibilidade internacional à Ciência que se faz em Portugal, que está a crescer, e isso atrai mais colaborações e mais financiamentos”, disse a investigadora.
terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2009
Estágios de Formação Médica
segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2009
BRITISH LIBRARY - Document Supply
In January 2010, we will be updating our terms and conditions covering the Library Privilege Service and therefore, we wanted, in advance, to outline your responsibilities if using this service after this date.
Who qualifies for the Library Privilege Service?
The service is NOT available to individuals; USA based organisations or any commercial organisation based inside or outside the UK
The copyright fee exemptions offered through this service are only applicable when the document is to be used for a non-commercial research purpose or for private study.
Your obligations when using the Library Privilege Service:
The user must sign an English language declaration form , stating that the document is to be used for a non-commercial research purpose or for private study
The ordering library must collect and keep the signed declaration forms for 6 years, which we will audit as required
If a copy is required for a commercial purpose or the user cannot comply with the copyright restrictions then a licensed copy must be made, and a copyright fee is then payable.
We will also update our terms and conditions to allow us to contact you from time to time to ensure that you understand your obligations and are collecting declaration forms in the correct way. If you can provide the contact details of an English speaking representative at your organisation responsible for this area and who ensures service obligations are met to mailto:Customer-Services-Accounts@bl.ukby 30 November 2009, we will ensure that they are fully informed of any future developments. If you have any questions about this or any other British Library service, please contact us on +44 (0) 1937 546060.
Thank you for your co-operation and continued support of the British Library.
Yours sincerely
quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009
Estarão os bibliotecários completamente obsoletos?
33 Reasons Why Libraries and Librarians are Still Extremely Important
by: Will Sherman
Many predict that the digital age will wipe public bookshelves clean, and permanently end the centuries-old era of libraries. Technology's baffling prowess and progress even has one librarian predicting the institution's demise.
He could be right.
But if he is, then the loss will be irreplaceable. As libraries' relevance comes into question, they face an existential crisis at a time they are perhaps needed the most. Despite their perceived obsoleteness in the digital age both libraries – and librarians – are irreplaceable for many reasons. 33, in fact. We've listed them here:
1. Not everything is available on the internet
The amazing amount of useful information on the web has, for some, engendered the false assumption everything can be found online. It's simply not true.
Google Book Search recognizes this. That's why they're taking on the monolith task of digitizing millions of books from the World's largest libraries. But even if Google does successfully digitize the sum of human knowledge, it is unlikely that the sum of contemporary authors and publishers will not allow their works to be freely accessible over the internet. It is already prohibited by law to make copyrighted books fully accessible through Google Book Search; only snippets. And it'll be a long time before that must-read New York Times bestseller gets put up for free on the internet: current copyright law protects works for 70 years beyond the death of the author.
Even some public domain works are off limits. If an out-of-copyright copy includes prefaces, introductions, or appendices that are still in copyright, the whole work falls under copyrighted status.
2. Digital libraries are not the internet
A fundamental understanding of what the internet is – and what it isn't – can help more clearly define what a library is, and why libraries are still extremely important.
The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks clearly spells out the difference between "Online Collections" and the "Internet or Web Sources". The internet, this site explains, is a mass of largely unpublished materials produced by organizations, businesses, individuals, experimental projects, entrepreneurial webmasters, etc.
"Online Collections", however, are different. They are typically provided by libraries and include materials that have been published via rigorous editorial processes. Works selected for inclusion in a library catalogue undergo vetting from qualified staff. Types of materials include books, journals, documents, newspapers, magazines and reports which are digitized, stored and indexed through a limited-access database.
While one might use the internet or a search engine to find these databases, deeper access to them requires registration. You are still online, but you are no longer on the internet. You are in a library.
Artigo completo aqui
segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2009
15 OCTOBER 2009
Dear Colleague - JSTOR is pleased to announce the launch of the Arts & Sciences VIII Collection, which will include a minimum of one hundred forty (140) titles when it is completed at the end of 2011. This collection extends JSTOR's coverage in disciplines across the social sciences and humanities, with new and expanded focus on art & art history, classical studies, philosophy, language & literature, and music.
With the launch of this collection, we continue our commitment to the scholarly community to keep participation fees as low as possible. As a not-for-profit, mission-based organization, we are particularly pleased to be able to provide additional fee reductions on Arts & Sciences VIII in light of the current economic situation affecting libraries and information centers around the world. Because of our growing participant base, we are able to spread the costs associated with the creation of this collection, along with the annual maintenance costs required to maintain the long-term preservation of the collection, across a broader community of institutions. In the higher education community, for instance, depending on your JSTOR classification, the one-time Archive Capital Fees (ACF) are 5%-10% lower, while the recurring Annual Access Fees (AAF) are 15%-23% lower than our previous two Arts & Sciences collections. We have not raised participation fees for any of our multi-discipline collections since the archive was launched in 1997.
As with other JSTOR collections, the Annual Access Fee (AAF) will be prorated to reflect the number of titles included in the collection as they are added over time. For those institutions initiating participation in 2009, the AAF will be waived. The AAF in 2010 will be prorated to 20% of the full fee.
As well, we will be allowing institutions to pay the one-time Archive Capital Fee (ACF) over a period of three fiscal years. We hope this will provide additional budgeting flexibility for those institutions that wish to initiate participation in this collection in this challenging economic climate.
Highlights of the Arts & Sciences VIII collection:
More than thirty rare 19th and early 20th century American Art periodicals form part of this collection, including 291 , created in 1915 by Alfred Stieglitz and Bradley: His Book from the private press founded by William H. Bradley, one of the premiere graphic artists of his time. The addition of these special titles is the result of a partnership between JSTOR and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Frick Collection, and the Brooklyn Museum. Eleven of these periodicals are immediately available in the collection, with the remaining 25 titles available by the second quarter ofThe first group of titles in Arts & Sciences VIII has been released, and participants in the collection will immediately gain access to:2010. A short video (5 minutes) has been prepared to give you a glimpse into these remarkable periodicals.
New titles in language & literature, history, philosophy, and classical studies will add international depth to JSTOR, with leading journals such as Zeitschrift f?r deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur, Journal of South Asian Literature, Revista Chilena de Literatura, Revue d'histoire litteraire dela France , and English in Africa (language & literature); Scottish Historical Review, Revue historique, Agricultural History Review from the British Agricultural History Society (history); Revue philosophique dela France et de l'?tranger (philosophy); and Glotta: Zeitschrift f?r griechische und lateinische sprache (classical philology).
Music coverage will be expanded to include education titles from the College Music Society and from MENC: The National Association for Music Education. Other notable titles include Musica Disciplina from the American Institute of Musicology, founded in 1946, and African Music , published by the International Library of African Music.
New titles in education include Research in Higher Education and Academe: Bulletin of the AAUP , founded in 1915 with the formation of the American Association of University Professors.
Geschichte und Gesellschaft
Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Sonderheft
Journal of Science Education and Technology
Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society
Oral History
RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics
Research in Higher Education
and eleven of the rare art periodicals:
The American Art Journal
The Art Critic
The Art News
The Art Review
The Art Union
Bradley, His Book
Brush and Pencil
Bulletin of the New England Art Union
The Collector and Art Critic
Cosmopolitan Art Journal
A more detailed title list and collection description may be found on the JSTOR site at
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information regarding the Arts & Sciences VIII Collection by emailing us at participation@jstor.org .
Best regards,
Jason E. Phillips
Associate Director, Outreach & Participation Services
JSTOR & Portico
sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2009
Seminário de Direito da Bioética e da Medicina
A iniciativa, organizada pela Associação Portuguesa de Direito Intelectual, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa em parceria com a Ordem dos Médicos, aborda temas cruciais como a objecção de consciência, a responsabilidade médica, o testamento vital, ou a ética na investigação.
Informações adicionais estão disponíveis em http://www.apdi.pt/
sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009
VII Curso Pós-Graduado de Actualização em Cuidados Paliativos
Realizar-se-á nos próximos dias 16 e 17 de Outubro o VII Curso Pós-Graduado de Actualização em Cuidados Paliativos. Poderá consultar o programa e todas as informações sobre o curso aqui.
Núcleo de Cuidados Paliativos/Centro de Bioética
Director: Prof. Doutor António Barbosa
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa,
Av.Professor Egas Moniz, 1649-028 Lisboa
Tel:+351 217985182; Fax:+351 217999495;
quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2009
Base Fuente Académica da EBSCO - Free trial para a Universidade de Lisboa
O acesso faz-se pelo EBSCOhost disponível em: http://search.ebscohost.com/.
O reconhecimento do acesso é feito por IP.
Fuente Académica offers more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain . All major subject areas are covered with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion and sociology. The database is updated weekly.
Boas pesquisas!
segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2009
Prémio Nobel da Medicina 2009 premeia trabalhos sobre o envelhecimento das células
quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2009
2º Curso de Obesidade Pediátrica
2º Curso de Obesidade Pediátrica
31 de Outubro de 2009
Edíficio Egas Moniz, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa
O 2.º Curso de Obesidade Pediátrica, organizado pelo Departamento da Criança e da Família do HSM, realiza-se no dia 31 de Outubro de 2009, no Edifício Egas Moniz da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa.
Mais informações aqui e aqui.
Gostaríamos de contar com a sua participação.
A Comissão Organizadora
Associação para Investigação e Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Medicina
Av. Prof. Egas Moniz 1649-028 Lisboa
Ext: 44050/1
Tel: 210008500
Fax: 210008501
e-mail: aidfm@fm.ul.pt
segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2009
Normas de Orientação Clínica
terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009
Dopamina e doença de Parkinson
Investigadores Portugueses e Norte-americanos publicam na prestigiada revista PLoS One um estudo que revela novas pistas sobre a acção da dopamina, um estimulante do sistema nervoso central, na doença de Parkinson. O estudo foi desenvolvido na Harvard Medical School (Estados Unidos) e no Instituto de Medicina Molecular (http://www.imm.ul.pt/) em Lisboa, e contou com a colaboração de investigadores Portugueses, norte-americanos e alemães.
sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009
Concerto de apoio à reabilitação do Jardim Botânico da Universidade de Lisboa
O Jardim Botânico da Universidade de Lisboa (JBUL) precisa do apoio de todos nós.
Para que o JBUL proporcione ao público a aprendizagem pela experimentação - algo que os livros e a tecnologia não podem oferecer - é importante que a sua reabilitação seja apoiada. Durante o último trimestre de 2009 a Universidade de Lisboa procura recolher fundos através de um conjunto de eventos.
O Retrospect Ensemble, dirigido por Matthew Halls, é considerado um dos mais conceituados ensembles europeus de música antiga. O grupo apoia o projecto de reabilitação do JBUL, apresentando, numa actuação única, um Grande Concerto Barroco com obras de Händel e Telemann.
Bilhetes à venda: Fnac, Worten, C. C. Dolce Vita, El Corte Inglês, Lojas Viagens Abreu, Lojas MegaRede e http://www.ticketline.sapo.pt/.
Reservas: 707 234 234
Programa de bolsas DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Informações detalhadas podem ser consultadas no sítio oficial do DAAD, nomeadamente em http://www.daad.de/stipendien/en/index.en.html?land=37
domingo, 13 de setembro de 2009
Campanha Reanimar o Saber
A Associação Helpo - http://www.helpo.pt/ ONGD portuguesa que desenvolve projectos de assistência e apoio ao desenvolvimento em Portugal, Moçambique e São Tomé e Príncipe, prevê no seu plano de projectos até Março de 2010 http://issuu.com/onghelpo/docs/portfolio_pt-mz , a construção de mais duas bibliotecas no Norte de Moçambique. É, para isso, imprescindível a recolha do seu recheio.
As áreas temáticas de maior interesse são:
- Dicionários
- Enciclopédias
- Atlas
- Mapas
- Romances
- Literatura: infantil e juvenil
- Banda desenhada
- Física
- Filosofia
- Psicologia
- História universal
- Direito internacional
- Línguas
Impõe-se então uma questão, aCAMPANHA-nos? http://www.helpo.pt/
segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009
- Drug database of over 6,000 generic and brand name drugs, plus hundreds of herbals, supplements and antidotes.
- Drug interaction checker that quickly shows interactions for a combination of up to 30 drugs, herbals and/or supplements
- Medscape Medical News with up-to-date, specialty-focused medical content across more than 30 specialties.
- Continuing Medical Education from MedscapeCME in formats created specifically for the mobile device.
- The WebMD Health Directory featuring contact information for over 400,000 physicians, 57,000 pharmacies, and 6,000 hospitals in a convenient search format.
AUDIOCONFERÊNCIA: "O futuro da Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento em Portugal"
No âmbito da parceria entre o INA e a Associação para a Promoção do Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação ( APDSI ) realiza-se a 15 de Setembro, entre as 14h00 - 15h30, a audioconferência "O Futuro da Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento em Portugal", apresentada pelo Presidente da APDSI. A participação é gratuita, mas sujeita a pré inscrição.
Saiba mais aqui
sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2009
Young European Scientist Meeting - YES Meeting '09
sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2009
Este ano os cientistas, o seu trabalho e a sua vida, vão ser celebrados através do teatro, subindo literalmente ao palco - como dramaturgos e actores dos espectáculos que vão ser vistos nas 4 cidades, dirigidos por encenadores e criativos.
Programa METIS
O programa METIS, com uma estrutura em módulos, está desenhado para
desenvolver competências em investigação introduzindo os propósitos, as perspectivas e os procedimentos de diversas abordagens qualitativas utilizadas na investigação em saúde.
Para mais informações, consulte:
quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009
12 termos que já não se usam?
A lista de termos aqui apresentada é discutível; mas não deixa de ser divertido e mesmo instrutivo perceber o modo como a tecnologia que nos rodeia se torna rapidamente ultrapassada ou obsoleta.
Texto completo aqui.
1. Intranet - Popular in the mid-90s, the term "intranet" referred to a private network running the Internet Protocol and other Internet standards such as the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It was also used to describe an internal Web site that was hosted behind a firewall and was accessible only to employees. Today, every private network runs IP. So you can just use the term virtual private network or VPN to describe a private IP-based network.
2. Extranet - An "extranet" referred to private network connections based on Internet standards such as IP and HTTP that extended outside an organization, such as between business partners. Extranets often replaced point-to-point electronic data interchange (EDI) connections that used standards such as X12. Today, companies provide suppliers, resellers and other members of their supply chain with access to their VPNs.
3. Web Surfing - When is the last time you heard someone talk about surfing the Web? You know the term is out of date when your kids don't know what it means. To teens and tweens, the Internet and the World Wide Web are one and the same thing. So it's better to use the term "browsing" the Web if you want to be understood.4. Push Technology - The debate over the merits of "push" versus "pull" technology came to a head in 1996 with the release of the PointCast Network, a Web service that sent a steady stream of news to subscribers. However, PointCast and other push technology services required too much network bandwidth. Eventually, push technology evolved into RSS feeds, which remain the preferred method for publishing information to subscribers of the Internet. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.
5. Application Service Provider (ASP) - During this decade, the term "Application Service Provider" evolved into "Software-as-a-Service." Both terms refer to a vendor hosting a software application and providing access to it over the Web. Customers buy the software on a subscription basis, rather than having to own and operate it themselves. ASP was a hot term prior to the dot-com bust. Then it was replaced by "SaaS." Now it's cool to talk about "cloud computing."
6. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) - Coined by former Apple CEO John Sculley back in 1992 when he unveiled the Apple Newton, the term "personal digital assistant" referred to a handheld computer. PDA was still in use in 1996, when the Palm Pilot was the hottest handheld in corporate America. Today, the preferred generic term for a handheld like a Blackberry or an iPhone is a "smartphone".
7. Internet Telephony - You need to purge the term "Internet telephony" from your vocabulary and switch to VoIP, for Voice over IP. Even the term VoIP is getting old-fashioned because pretty soon all telephone calls will be routed over the Internet rather than the Public Switched Telephone Network. It's probably time to stop referring to the PSTN, too, because it is headed for the history books as all voice, data and video traffic is carried on the Internet.
8. Weblog - A blog is a shortened version of "Weblog," a term that emerged in the late 1990s to describe commentary that an individual publishes online. It spawned many words still in use such as "blogger" and "blogosphere." Nowadays, few people have time to blog so they are "microblogging," which is another word that's heading out the door as people turn Twitter into a generic term for blasting out 140-character observations or opinions.
9. Thin Client -You have to give Larry Ellison credit for seeing many of the flaws in the client/server computing architecture and for popularizing the term "thin client" to refer to Oracle's alternative terminal-like approach. In 1993, Ellison was touting thin clients as a way for large organizations to improve network security and manageability. Although thin clients never replaced PCs, the concept is similar to "virtual desktops" that are gaining popularity today as a way of supporting mobile workers.
10. Rboc - In 1984, the U.S. government forced AT&T to split up into seven Regional Bell Operating Companies [RBOCs] also known as Baby Bells. Customers bought local service from RBOCs and long-distance service from carriers such as AT&T. Telecom industry mergers over the last 15 years have formed integrated local- and long-distance carriers such as AT&T, Verizon and Qwest. This makes not only the term RBOC obsolete, but also the terms ILEC for Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier [i.e., GTE] and CLEC for Competitive Local Exchange Carrier [i.e., MFS].
11. Long-Distance Call - Thanks to flat-rate calling plans available from carriers for at least five years, nobody needs to distinguish between local and long-distance calls anymore. Similarly, you don't need to distinguish between terrestrial and wireless calls because so many people use only wireless services. Like pay phones, long-distance calls -- and their premium prices -- are relics of a past without national and unlimited calling plans.
12. World Wide Web -Nobody talks about the "World Wide Web" anymore, or the "Information Superhighway," for that matter. It's just the Internet. It's a distinction that Steve Czaban, the popular Fox Sports Radio talk show host, likes to mock when he refers to the "Worldwide Interweb." Nothing dates you more than pulling out one of those old-fashioned ways of referring to the Internet such as "infobahn" or "electronic highway."
12ª Conferência Internacional da EAHIL
A APDIS - Associação Portuguesa de Documentação e Informação de Saúde, tem o prazer de informar que se realizará em Portugal a 12ª Conferência Internacional da EAHIL - European Association for Health information and Libraries, de
Poderá submeter online a sua proposta de comunicação ou poster até 6 de Novembro de 2009 aqui.
Para obter mais informações e para participar visite o nosso site na Internet (é necessário registar-se).
sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009
Aliança para combater biblioteca virtual da Google
Projecto gera discórdia entre as maiores empresas do mercado digital. Coligação de gigantes tecnológicos contra a maior biblioteca virtual do mundo é uma hipótese. Em disputa está o sector literário, um dos mais apetecíveis e rentáveis negócios 'online'.
A Amazon, Microsoft e Yahoo vão assinar um acordo apelidado de Open Book Alliance e organizado pela Internet Archive. Esta estratégia visa combater a Google, que pretende criar a maior biblioteca virtual do mundo com o serviço Google Books. Brewster Kahle, fundadora do Internet Archive, é peremptória: "A Google está a tentar monopolizar o sistema de biblioteca online, através da exploração de uma única fonte de todos os títulos publicados".
terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2009
Apresentação do plano de contingência e prevenção contra a Gripe A na Universidade de Lisboa.
Para mais informações e esclarecimentos sobre o plano AGRIPUL utilizem o nº de telefone 210 170 115 (disponível 24 horas por dia).
quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2009
e-learning na B-on
De referir, ainda, que na construção destes materiais houve uma vez mais a preocupação de cumprir as regras de acessibilidade pelo que foram disponibilizadas duas versões dos materiais/vídeos (uma em flash e outra em html), os módulos são navegáveis quer por rato quer por teclado, têm sincronização de legendas, o texto html está disponível para screen-readers (função que pode ser activada/desactivada) e cada vídeo tem o seu URL único.
quinta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2009
H1N1 na DynaMed
Informação disponível em: http://www.ebscohost.com/dynamed/h1n1/